template troubles
Sunday, September 27, 2009

either im doing something wrong... ( probaly ) or the template isnt cooraperating.

your supposed to fill in stuff like the sidebars... and the url above... blarg. i tried filling them out and it turned out all overlaped and ugly. obviously im an idoit and have no idea what im doing.... XD. i guess i need to work that out or get a new template if worse comes to worse. anyway, i really wanna get to blogging already...
Welcome to my blog. No spamming or vulgarising the tagboard. If you have something mean to say here, go repeat it fifty thousand times in front of a mirror :). fyi, this blog is " Mizz'n'Dots.

Respect me & my blog and I'll respect you.

owner of Mizz'n'Dots
Y=yo! im bored and in a bloggish mood... i am an internet addict. i am the queen of all things dumb. oh joy :D. so beware ;) have fun with this blog and stay classy

and tyvm for reading this crap you dont care about =]

Try a cbox :).
blog is up and isnt ready!